OPMEGA annual day

16 de May de 2024 Actualidad, Board of Directors

OPMEGA annual day

Opmega analyzes new consumer trends to guarantee the future of the mussel market

• The transnational organization brought together professionals from various sectors at its headquarters to address everything from marketing in the food industry to innovation as a solution to promote consumption

Vilagarcía de Arousa, May 16, 2024.- The mussel market is immersed in a continuous process of change and evolution. This reality has been analyzed today within the framework of the conference “Mussel cultivation in punts: marketing and consumption trends”, organized by the Organization of Mussel Producers of Galicia (Opmega). Throughout the morning, different experts have analyzed new marketing trends, the role of the consumer in relation to the product or the importance of marketing strategies and innovation to guarantee its future.

This technical conference, the seventh organized by Opmega, was inaugurated by José Pellicer, Deputy Deputy Director of Aquaculture, Fisheries Marketing and Structural Actions of MAPA. Pellicer, who highlighted the “indisputable leadership” of Spain and Galicia in mussel production in the European Union, began by highlighting the current production problem in the sector due to factors such as climate change and also the global drop in consumption. Still, he commented that it is important to capture the attention of new consumers who are approaching new marketing trends. “It is important to draw the attention of young consumers to inform them, not only about the organoleptic benefits of the product, but also about the commitment of the mussel sector to, for example, sustainability,” he concluded.
Immediately afterwards, Alberto Varela, mayor of Vilagarcía, took the floor, highlighting the importance of organizing the Opmega event to “highlight such an important product for Galicia and Arousa and thus bet on its competitiveness in the market.” Varela congratulated the transnational organization for the work carried out to modernize the sector. “We have the best mussel in the world and it is important to get the public to consume more of it to continue consolidating it in the market,” he concluded.

Lino Suárez, Director of Operations at Opmega, gave way to the first block of the day but not before highlighting that today’s day “is relevant to analyze market trends and, above all, get closer to the general public.” In addition, he highlighted the importance of having a well-defined strategy to promote mussels within the market.

In the first block of the day, titled “Market trends in relation to mussel consumption” and moderated by Carlota Usatorre, Head of commercial development at AECOC, Gorka Azkona, Head of fishmonger purchases at Eroski and Darío Rodríguez, Manager, participated. of Pescamar-Grupo Gadisa.

Azkona began his speech by talking about the current complications of mussel production globally, something that has contributed to its price rise. Even so, he highlighted that “although consumption has decreased at the counter, sales of the product in other formats have increased and this is promising for its future.” He highlighted that right now there are two types of consumers: “those who are looking for price and those who are looking for solutions.” “It is true that at the counter they squeeze us on price but new consumers pay more for a solution that allows them to make a quick purchase, cook on the spot, gain free time and time at home. And the mussel adapts perfectly to these new trends,” he stressed.

For his part, Darío Rodríguez essentially agreed with Azkona’s statements. He spoke about the new formats that are being presented for mussel consumption “and this is potentially very promising for the sector.” He highlighted that “it is true that fresh food is still in demand, but we must serve new consumers who want ready-made products.”

The second block featured two success stories of marketing strategies in the food industry: Plátano de Canarias and Orballo, and featured Elvira Furelos, founder and partner of Naranjalimón Branding 360º, as moderator.

Sergio Cáceres, manager and marketing director of Plátano de Canarias, highlighted the need for the more than 7,000 local producers to distinguish their product, which is more expensive than that imported from third countries, based mainly on its quality and its 100% Spanish origin. Cáceres highlighted that the success of the brand was due to the joint commitment of the growers and the professionalization in Marketing and Communication management. In this sense, he pointed out, the important thing is to carry out a coordinated and planned action, taking into account the target audience and insisting on the differentiating elements of the “Plátano de Canarias”.

And Óscar Torres, director of Marketing and Communication at Orballo, explained how this Galician brand managed to succeed among millennials For the third and final block of the day, dedicated to innovation to promote the consumption and marketing of mussels and moderated by the CEO of Bluscus Turismo Marinero, Pablo Mariño, Opmega had the presence of Carolina Najar, Director of the Food Market AZTI and Antonio Muíños, Founder and Director of Portomuiños.

Carolina Najar began her intervention by talking about the importance of innovation to give more value to the product “because we want to exist today and tomorrow.” For that, she says, it is essential to know which audience to address. She connected here with what was analyzed in the first block regarding changes in trends in the priorities of new consumers. Najar quoted the biologist Xabier Irigoien who assures that, due to their organoleptic properties, “mussels are the saviors of humanity” and that is always an added value when positioning them in the market.

The founder of Portomuiños, Antonio Muiños, spoke of the importance that the commitment to innovation had for the growth of the seaweed marketing company. He told how the company looks at different market trends and even other cultures to continue innovating.

Finally, after the tribute to Antonio Juncal Portas, a veteran bateeiro, who wanted to share the award with his wife and all the Opmega founders, the closing ceremony was held by the Minister of the Sea, Alfonso Villares, and the president of Opmega, Ricardo Herbón.

Ricardo Herbón thanked the attendees and all the participants for the presence of the event. Next, the councilor highlighted the importance of the event and also that of working to disseminate the quality of mussels and publicize the variety of formats in which they can be found to reach different types of audiences.


